Minggu, 10 September 2023



Assalamualaikum wr wb...Ananda yang baik!!

Pada pertemuan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang materi teks Narative. Adapun tujuan pembelajarannya adalah

  • 8.3 Peserta didik mampu membaca teks narratif yang diberikan dan menganalisis struktur kalimat di dalamnya.
  • 8.4 Peserta didik mampu menyebutkan dan menganalisis ide utama serta informasi spesifik dalam teks narratif yang diberikan.
untuk lebih jelasnya lagi perhatikan tayangan video berikut ini:

Narrative text adalah genre atau jenis teks Bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan sebuah cerita fiktif atau khayalan dan dibuat semata-mata untuk menghibur pembaca. Beberapa contoh narrative text yang populer di kalangan masyarakat diantaranya: Cinderella, Snow White, Robin Hood, Hansel and Gretel, dan lain-lain. Lalu, sebenarnya apa dan bagaimana Narrative text? Pada tayanagn video tadi disampaikan deskripsi narrative text, selengkapnya sebagaiberikut.

Pengertian Narrative Text

Secara umum, pengertian narrative text adalah cerita fiksi atau khayalan atau cerita karangan yang dibuat semata-mata untuk kepentingan hiburan bagi pembacanya. Bentuk narrative text yang umum ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dapat berupa dongeng, cerita rakyat, legenda, maupun cerita yang bersifat fiksi lainnya. Pada narrative text, kejadian diceritakan secara berurutan mulai dari pendahuluan sampai dengan klimaks, dan akhirnya sampai pada tahap simpulan atau penyelesaian.

Sekali lagi, perlu dipahami bahwa narrative text dibuat semata-mata hanya untuk kepentingan hiburan saja. Jadi dapat mengabaikan nilai-nilai kebenarannya.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text (Struktur Tata Bahasa search Teks search Narasi)

Sebagaimana layaknya genre teks yang lain dalam Bahasa Inggris, narrative text memiliki generic structure atau struktur tata bahasa. Adapun generic structure of narrative text atau struktur tata bahasa teks narasi memiliki tiga susunan, terdiri atas:

  • Orientation (Pendahuluan)

Bagian orientation atau pendahuluan pada narrative text memuat pengenalan tokoh cerita, latar belakang waktu dan tempat terjadinya cerita. Secara singkat, bagian orientation memuat penceritaan teks secara umum terkait apa, siapa, kapan, dan dimana cerita tersebut terjadi dan diceritakan.

  • Complication (Konflik Cerita)

Pada narrative text, bagian complication memuat konflik-konflik yang dialami oleh tokoh utama peristiwa yang diceritakan dalam tahapan kehidupannya. Pada bagian ini pula disebutkan bagimana sang tokoh utama menyelesaikan konflik-konflik yang dialaminya.

  • Resolution (Akhir Cerita)

Bagian Resolution atau akhir cerita pada narrative text memuat akhir dari cerita yang diceritakan. Pada bagian ini, keseluruhan permasalahan dan konflik yang terjadi di dalam cerita harus sudah terselesaikan oleh tokoh utama. Selain itu, pada bagian resolution juga seringkali ditemui pesan moral atau moral value, dapat pula berupa nasihat yang bisa diambil dari keseluruhan jalan cerita. Moral value yang terdapat dalam bagian resolution pada narrative text disebut dengan Coda.

Grammar dalam Narrative Text

Kalimat-kalimat yang dipergunakan dalam narrative text biasanya menggunakan bentuk kalimat dengan kata kerja lampau atau Past. Penggunaan kata kerja bentuk lampau atau past ini disebabkan cerita atau teks narasi yang diceritakan merupakan cerita karangan atau fiksi dan biasa mengambil seting waktu bertahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sedangkan bentuk tenses pada narrative text bisa menggunakan Past Perfect, Past Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, dan bisa pula berbentuk Past Future Perfect Continuous. Keseluruhan aturan tenses ini tidak harus menjadi acuan, karena tenses mengacu pada kondisi dan situasi kalimat dalam narrative text.

Ciri-ciri Narrative Text

Secara umum, narrative text memiliki ciri-ciri yang membedakannya dengan teks genre yang lain dalam Bahasa Inggris. Adapun ciri-ciri narrative text dalam Bahasa Inggris diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut.

  • Narrative Text menggunakan action verb dalam bentuk Past Tense. Misalnya: Wondered, Haunted, Burned, dan sebagainya.
  • Narrative Text menggunakan Nouns (kata benda) tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan, dan benda dalam keseluruhan cerita. Misalnya: the king, the queens, the boy, the giant, dan sebagainya.
  • Narrative Text menggunakan Adjective atau kata sifat yang membentuk satu kesatuan noun phrase. Sebagai contoh: The red riding hood, the poisoned ivy, dan sebagainya.
  • Narrative Text menggunakan time connectives dan Conjuction untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian atau peristiwa dalam cerita. Contoh: before, after, then, next, soon, dan sebagainya.
  • Narrative text menggunakan Adverbs dan Adverbial Phrase untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa yang diceritakan. Misalnya: on the water, in the mountain, there, dan sebagainya.

Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris

Berikut admin sajikan beberapa contoh narrative text Bahasa Inggris dilengkapi dengan terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia.

Teks 1


Long time ago in the Island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer.  They had married for some years but they had no children.  So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children.

Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.  He granted their wish on one condition.  When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo.  He liked eating fresh meat of human being.  The farmers agreed to his condition.  Several months later the wife was pregnant. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  They named her Timun Mas.  The farmers were happy.

Timun Mas was very healthy and a very smart girl.  She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house.  Timun Mas was frightened so she ran away to hide.  The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child.  They asked him to postpone.  Buta Ijo agreed.  He promised to come again.  The following year Buta Ijo came again.  But again and again their parents said that Timun Mas was still a child.

Timun Mas Journey’s

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him.  They gave Timun Mas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt.

‘Timun, take these things’

‘What are these things?’

‘These are your weapons.  Buta Ijo will chase you.  He will eat you alive.  So run as fast as you can.  And if he will catch you spread this to the ground.  Now go!’

Timun Mas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could.  When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home.  He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left.  So he ran to chase her.  He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran.

Timun Mas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Mas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber.  In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber.  The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them.  When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

Buta Ijo: End of Life

But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Mas threw her bamboo needles.   Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass.  It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest.  Meanwhile Timun Mas could run farther. Buta Ijo chased her again.  When he almost catch her again and again Timun Mas threw her dressing.  This time it turned into a lake.  Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Mas ran way. But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Mas was almost caught she threw her salt.  Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean.  Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly. Timun Mas was thankful to god and came back to her home.

Beriku ini terjemahan ceritanya!!

Timun Mas
          Pada zaman dahulu di pulau Jawa , Indonesia , tinggal sepasang petani . Mereka telah menikah selama beberapa tahun , tetapi mereka tidak punya anak . Jadi meminta kepada raksasa yang disebut dengan Buta Ijo untuk memberi mereka anak-anak . Buta Ijo adalah raksasa yang ganas dan kuat . Dia mengabulkan permintaan mereka dengan satu syarat . Ketika anak mereka telah dewasa, mereka harus mengorbankan mereka untuk Buta Ijo . Dia suka makan daging segar manusia . Para petani setuju untuk dengan permintaannya. Beberapa bulan kemudian istri petani pun hamil .
          Istri petani melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan cantik . Mereka menamainya Timun Emas . sepasang petani itu pun senang . Timun Mas sangat sehat dan tumbuh menjadi seorang gadis yang sangat cerdas . Dia juga sangat rajin . 
          Ketika ia masih remaja Buta Ijo datang ke rumah mereka . Timun Mas ketakutan sehingga dia melarikan diri untuk bersembunyi . Para petani kemudian mengatakan Buta Ijo bahwa Timun Mas masih anak-anak. Mereka memintanya untuk menunda . Buta Ijo setuju . Dia berjanji untuk datang lagi . Tahun berikutnya Buta Ijo datang lagi. Tapi lagi dan lagi orang tua mereka mengatakan bahwa Timun Mas masih anak-anak.
          Ketika ketiga kalinya Buta Ijo datang orang tua mereka telah mempersiapkan sesuatu untuknya . Mereka memberi Timun Emas beberapa jarum bambu , biji mentimun , saus dan garam .
‘ Timun , mengambil hal-hal ini ‘
‘ Apa ini ? ‘
‘ Ini adalah senjatamu . Buta Ijo akan mengejarmu . Dia akan memakanmu hidup-hidup . Jadi berlari secepat mungkin yang kau bisa. Dan jika ia akan menangkapmu sebarkan ini ke tanah . Sekarang pergi! ‘
Petualangan Timun Mas
Timun Mas takut sehingga ia berlari secepat yang dia bisa . Ketika Buta Ijo tiba ia sangat  jauh dari rumah . Dia sangat marah ketika ia menyadari bahwa mangsanya telah meninggalkan rumah. Jadi Buto Ijo berlari mengejarnya . Dia memiliki hidung yang tajam sehingga ia tahu kemana arah berlari mangsanya .
          Timun Mas hanya seorang gadis sementara Buta Ijo adalah raksasa sehingga ia bisa dengan mudah menangkapnya . Ketika ia hanya beberapa langkah di belakang Timun Mas cepat menyebar benih-benih mentimun . Dalam hitungan detik benih mentimun itu berubah menjadi tanaman merambat . Buta Ijo sangat kelelahan dan haus sehingga ia meraih mentimun itu dan memakannya . Ketika Buta Ijo sedang sibuk makan mentimun Timun Mas bisa melarikan diri .
          Tapi segera Buta Ijo menyadari dan mulai berlari lagi . Ketika ia hanya beberapa langkah di belakang Timun Emas melemparkan jarum bambu nya . Tak lama kemudian mereka berubah menjadi pohon bambu lebat . Buta Ijo merasa sulit untuk lulus . Ini membutuhkan beberapa waktu untuk memecahkan hutan bambu lebat . Sementara itu Timun mas bisa berlari lebih jauh .

Akhir Riwayat Buta Ijo
Buta Ijo mengejarnya lagi . Ketika ia hampir menangkapnya lagi dan lagi Timun Mas melemparkan riasnya . Kali ini berubah menjadi danau . Buta Ijo sedang sibuk menyelamatkan diri sehingga Timun Mas berlari jalan . Tapi Buta Ijo bisa mengatasinya dan terus mengejarnya .
Akhirnya ketika Timun mas hampir tertangkap ia melemparkan garam itu . Segera tanah tempat Buta Ijo berdiri berubah menjadi laut . Buta Ijo itu tenggelam dan tewas seketika .           Timun mas bersyukur kepada Tuhan dan kembali ke rumahnya.

Contoh 1 Analisis  Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris dan Generic Structure 

The Legend of Prambanan Temple
Once, there was a kingdom named Prambanan with the King, Prabu Baka who had a beautiful daughter, Roro Jonggrang. The people lived peacefully. However, soon they were disturbed by Pengging Kingdom which was led by Bandung Bondowoso. He defeated and killed Prabu Baka during the war.
On seeing Princess Roro Jonggrang's beauty, Bandung Bondowoso fell in love with her and wanted to marry her. Meanwhile, the Princess felt sad due to her death. She did not want to marry Bandung as he had killed her father. On the other side, she as afraid of Bandung.
So, to refuse politely, she made a condition.
"I will marry you but you have to build one thousand temples in one night as a wedding gift," requested Roro Jonggrang.
Bandung Bondowoso agreed with the condition. He then started to build the temples, helped by the spirits.
As the midnight went closer, the work would nearly be done. Roro Jonggrang knew and thought a way to beat Bandung.
Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and ordered them to make the noisy sounds of grinding rice so the roosters thought that it had already been dawn.
Bandung Bondowoso became frustrated as he thought that he failed the completing the last one.
"The Princess has deceived me!" he shouted.
Following his wrath, he cursed Roro Jonggrang.
"As you have cheated, now the thousandth temple is you!"
All at once, the Princess turned into a statue. Bandung Bondowoso suddenly regretted his anger and went away.
Until now, the temple with Roro Jonggrang statue is still standing in Prambanan area, Central Java. The temples built by Bandung Bondowoso are now called Sewu Temple or the Thousand Temple. In Javanese, sewu means a thousand.

Contoh 2 Analisis  Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris dan Generic Structure

Legend of Lake and Mount Batur
It is believed that there was once a giant as tall as a mountain who roamed the island, called Kbo Iwo. He would help the Balinese people to build temples and villages, dig ditches, and cut terraces out of of the hillsides for rice paddies. All he asked for in return for his help was food.
His appetite was enormous, however, and there was never enough food to satisfy him. His hunger would sometimes make him angry and he would destroy the things that he helped to build and then eat the villagers.
One day, the harvest was failed and the people could barely eat, let alone feed the giant. This angered Kbo Iwo so much that he rampaged across the island, killing and destroying everything in sight until all the homes, rice fields, and temples were ruined.
The people begged Kbo Iwo to help rebuild the temples, homes, and rice fields that he had destroyed in his rampage. The giant agreed and worked at replacing everything that he had destroyed.
Without him knowing, Kbo Iwa was still hated by the people. They asked him to build a well and he started digging. As he dug, the soil piled up high next to the well, as high as a mountain.
The people then gave him food and it made him sleepy. He later slept in the well. Whilst he was sleeping, people poured a huge amount of sticky substance down the well and it set.
Kebo Iwa was unable to escape as the well was filled with water. The water soon overflowed to become a lake.
Today, many believe that the lake is Lake Batur, Bali's largest lake. The pile of earth that Kbo Iwo dug out of the well is believed to be Mount Batur, Bali's third largest volcanic mountain.

TUGAS!!!!!!!   (pertemuan 1)
Setelah menyimak contoh analisis narrative text di atas, berikut ini ananda diminta melakukan analisis pada teks berikut, dengan cara mengisi titik-titik pada samping kanan teks dengan generic structurnya seperti pada contoh di atas! (Jawaban Langsung  WA kan ke  WA Ibu  081320788089 ditunggu sampe pukul 13.00!!)

The  Legend of Telaga Pasir

Once upon a time, there lived a husband and wife in the jungle of Mt. Lawu, East Java. They were Kyai Pasir and his wife Nyai Pasir. They lived peacefully.
Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir just stayed at home. Every day she cleaned up the house and cooked for them.
It was a beautiful morning, Kyai Pasir left the house and went to his field. While he was walking, he stumbled upon something. He looked at the thing carefully.
"What is this: Is this an egg? But what kind of egg is this? It's huge," he thought.
Kyai Pasir put the egg back to the ground. He continued walking. At home, Kyai Pasir told his wife about the egg.
"Why didn't you bring the egg home?" asked Nyai Pasir.
"It's really big. I felt really strange about the egg," explained Kyai Pasir.
"If the egg is really big, then we both can eat. Please bring the egg home, Kyai," asked Nyai Pasir.
On the following days, Kyai Pasir went to the field as usual. He planned to bring the egg home as his wife's request. Kyai Pasir was walking carefully, he did not want to stumble upon the egg for the second time. He looked around. And aha! He found the egg. He carefully brought the egg home.
"Nyai, this is the egg I told you," said Kyai Pasir.
"You are right, Kyai. The egg is big. I wonder what animal has this egg," she said.
Nyai Pasir did not wait for long to boil the egg, And when it was done, they both ate the egg. They both felt very full. And it made them very sleepy. Not long after that they fell a sleep.
In the morning Kyai and Nyai Pasir woke up as usual. Kyai Pasir took a bath then he went to the field.
On the way to the field, he felt so uncomfortable. His skin were itchy.
He stretched his body. Suddenly, he felt his throat so hot. He badly needed water. He was screaming in pain.
He was so shocked as he saw his skin changed into scales. Just like scales of reptile. He touched his head. He felt something was growing on his head. He was completely shocked. A horn was growing.
He also had a tail. His body slowly getting bigger. He changed into a dragon!
Meanwhile, at home Nyai Pasir also felt the same. She was so panicked. She was screaming. She was running to the feld. She wanted to look for her husband.
When she arrived at the field, she saw a dragon was moving his body on the ground. Slowly Nyai Pasir also changed into a dragon. The two dragons were trying to walk but they were too weak to do that.
They just could move their bodies on the ground. They moved their bodies and it made a very big hole. The hole was getting deeper and the water came out. In no time, the hole became a lake.
Since then, people named the lake as Telaga Pasir to as a reminder not to pick what's not theirs.

Latihan Soal Narrative Text  (Pertemuan 2)
 (Jawaban Langsung  WA kan ke  WA Ibu  081320788089 ditunggu sampe pukul 13.00!!)

Redfeathers the Hen
Redfeathers, the hen, was so-called ause all her feathers were red. One ay, the fox caught sight of her in the armyard and his mouth began to water.
He ran home and told his wife to put n water for boiling a chicken, and the e rushed back, and before Redfeathers knew what was happening, she found herself snapped up and inside a sack, not even able to call for help.
Luckily for her, her friend the dove saw what had happened. She fluttered on the path in the woods, and lay there, pretending to have a broken wing. The fox was delighted to find that he now had a first course as well as a main dish. e put down the sack with the hen in it, and chased off after the dove, who began cleverly to hop futher and futher away.
Redfeathers slipped out of the sack and put a stone in her place, then she stoo ran off. When the dove saw that her iend was safe, she flew up into a tree. e fox then went back and picked up he sack, thinking that the hen was still it. When he got home, the fox tipped -the sack into the pot of boiling water, but the stone splashed it all over him, and he burned his greedy paws.

Choose either a, b, c, or d for the correct answer.
1. What did the fox do, after he caught sight of Redfeathers?
a. He ran over to her.
b. He ran home.
c. He boiled water.
d. He called her.

2. She fluttered on to the path in the woods, and lay there
She refers to ….
a. The hen
b. The duck
c. The dove
d. The swan

3. What did the fox think when he found the dove?
a. The fox thought that he had to
b. The fox thought that he had better go back.
c. The fox thought he had a first course.
d. The fox thought that he had to boil water.

4. What happened to the dove?
a. she flew up into tree.
b. she was cooked by the fox.
c. she was chased by the fox.
d. she was put into the sack.

5. What did Redfeathers do to trick the fox?
a. she slipped out of the sack.
b. she yelled for help.
c. she flew away to the tree.
d. she put a stone in her place.

Young Giraffes
You and I learnt to walk when we were a few months old, but baby giraffes can walk after only twenty minutes. Baby giraffes live in a dangerous world. Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies must learn quickly. They learn to run fast and to stay on their feet almost all of the time. Even at night, giraffes do not lie down. They stand by a tree and sleep. Big giraffes have long legs and they can run at fifty kilometres per hour. The English word giraffe comes from the Arabic word xirapha. The word means ‘runs fast’.

Giraffe’s also have very long tongues. A giraffes tongue can be fifty centimetres long! Giraffes use their tongues for cleaning them selves! Their tongues are important for other things too. A giraffe’s favourite food is green leaves from acacia trees. These trees have sharp thorns, but the giraffe’s tongue can go between the thorns. The giraffe’s long neck is important because the best leaves are at the tops of the trees. Giraffes love these leaves, and they eat for about eighteen hours every day.

6. Baby giraffes must learn quickly because
a. other animals want to kill them
b. they are dangerous
c. they eat lions
d. they are scary

7. Giraffes do not often
a. run
b. lie down
c. sleep
d. eat

8. There was an Arabic word for giraffes there was an English word.
a. xirapha
b. because
c. before
d. after

9. …. giraffes have fifty—centimetre tongues.
a. All
b. Some
c. Young
d. Several

10. Giraffes love to eat
a. acacia leaves
b. trees
c. thorns
d. all leaves

11. Their tongues get
a. thorns
b. wood
c. food
d. drink

12. The best food is
a. high up
b. on the ground
c. Between the trees
d. on the trees

Little Brother, Little Sister
Maltreated by their stepmother, who Was a witch, a little brother and sister fled into the woods. After running for a while. the brother said: ‘I’m so thirsty. Let’s find a spring and have a drink.’
However, as the young boy bent down to drink, his sister heard a voice which said: ‘Who drinks from me will turn into a fawn.’ it was the witch! Too late, the sister tried to prevent her brother from drinking. The young boy changed at once into a fawn. In tears, the little girl made a lead and collar out of her belt, and led the fawn off into the woods. There they found an abandoned cottage and lived together, far from any danger.
One day, however, the king was hunting in the woods, and he spied the fawn, which could not resist the urge to wander away from the cottage. The king and his hunters chased the fawn all the way back home. There, the king followed it into the cottage, where he found a young girl stroking the frightened animal. She was so beautiful and gentle that the king fell in love with her at once.
He asked her to be his wife, and his words caused the maiden to cry for joy. When one of her tears fell on the fawn, it changed back to her brother once more. Their goodness and love had overcome the witch’s evil spell, and they lived safely and happily with the king for ever after.

13. why did the brother ancl sister flee into the woods?
a. Because they felt very happy.
b. Because they had been rnaltreated by their stepmother.
c. Because they had been treated well their stepmother
d. Because they wanted to leak Home

14. The young boy changed at once into a
a. dog
b. cat
c. fawn
d. cow

15. What caused the young boy to changed into a fawn?
a. He was drinking something.
b. He was eating something.
c. He was saying something bad.
d. He was having cursed by someone.

16. How did he change back to be her brother?
a. When he met the King.
b. When he walked like an animal.
c. When he met a frightened animal.
d. When one of her tears fell on the fawn.

17. Who asked her to be his wife?
a. The Queen
b. The King
c. The Fawn
d. The Evil

Shark! (Part 2)
“We have to swim to the bigger island,” Sam said.
“People will see us there,”
“You can’t swim,” Lizzie said. “The sharks will smell the blood on your leg, and …”

The water washed over their little island again. The water was higher then before. They nearly fell in again.
“We can’t stay here. We have to swim,” Sam said.
“No,” Lizzie said. “I have to swim.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t go, so I’ll go. I’ll get help.”
“No! Lizzie!”

But she was already in the water. She swam fast. All the time she thought, “Are the sharks behind me?”
The sharks began to move towards Lizzie. Sam watched. What could he do?

He put his legs in the water. He kicked the water and shouted at the sharks. The sharks heard the noise and they smelled the blood from his leg. They turned. They came towards him, but he kept his feet in the water and kicked. Then Lizzie was at the bigger island, and Sam jumped up.

Lizzie waved her arms at the people on the beach and shouted “Help!”
A few minutes later, Sam and Lizzie were safe in a boat.
“Are you OK, Sam?” Lizzie asked.

Sam said, “Lizzie, you’re the best and bravest sister in the world. You can swim with me any time.”
“But no more spear fishing?” she said with a smile.
“Ok. No more spear fishing.”

18. Sam could not swim to the big island because …
a. his leg was weak
b. he had a cut
c. he was afraid
d. he did not want to see the shark

19. They … on the little island.
a. were safe
b. could not stay
c. fell
d. stay

20. Lizzie … to the big island.
a. had to swim
b. went with Sam
c. liked swimming
d. want to swim

21. She … the sharks when she was in the water.
a. was not afraid of
b. could go faster than
c. thought about
d. was afraid of

22. Sam made a lot of noise, so the sharks
a. got him
b. swam away
c. did not get Lizzie
d. eat him

23. Sam pulled his feet out of the water
a. slowly
b. too late
c. when Lizzie was safe
d. very fast

24. people on the beach … Lizzie.
a. want to help
b. did not help
c. swam to
d. saw

25. Sam said that Lizzie was
a. OK
b. very brave
c. a good swimmer
d. save

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