Minggu, 17 September 2023



Pertemuan 3
Assalamualaikum wr wb.....bagaimana kabarnya Ananda yang baik? sehat kan?
berikut ini ibu tampilkan catatan penting seputar pembelajaran kemarin berupa tayangan video dan tugas analisis teks. Selanjutnya, sebagai bahan penguatan penguasaan materi tersebut, Ibu sudah rangkum cacatan penting tersebut dalam tayangan video berikut ini?

Jika Ananda mengalami kesulutan teknis maupun  konten dari tayangan ini, silahkan tuliskan dalam kolom komentar di bawah untuk mendapatkan tanggapan/koreksi dari ibu. Tanggapan tersebut juga akan dijadikan dasar kehadiran Ananda dalam PJJ!

Pertemuan 4
Guna mempersiakan penilaian tengah semester ganjil, berikut ibu tampilkan latihan soal-soal PTS  yang dirangkum dalam tayangan video berikut!

4 komentar:

  1. I am detria maharani I understand narrative texts. I understand anything with narrative texts I understand orientation complications, resolution, reorientation I can differentiate them all and I can also describe the characters

  2. IM berliantina Almira Gunawan I already understand about narrative text, Narrative text is a imaginative stories that writer make to entertaint the readers,I can also distinguish the structure of narrative text which consists of orientation complication and resolution. I also feel that orientation is very important for narrative text, because orientation introduces time, place, character and character. Apart from that, adjectives will also definitely be present in narrative texts.

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. My name name is Emilia Nuri Rahmawati narrative texts is genre or type of English text that tells a fictioanal or imaginary story created solely to entertainment readers.
    Narrative texts have a clear language structure, which include
    Orientation ( introduction ), complication (story complict )
    Resolution ( end of the story )
    Thanks you.. Miss for allowing me to present this.
