Chapter 5 Embrace Yourself
Pada pertemuan ini, ananda diminta untuk membaca uraian tentang materi, kemudian menyimak tayangan video tentang materi tersebut. Selanjutnya sebagai bukti kehadiran dalam PJJ, Ananda harus mengomentari materi tersebut dalam kolom komentar di bawah, sertakan nama dan kelasnya!!
pembelajaran utama bab ini adalah mengajukan pertanyaan dan memberikan umpan
balik kepada orang lain. “Menawarkan pertanyaan dan pendapat” mengacu pada
meminta dan mengungkapkan pendapat dan opini mengenai topik dan isu yang sedang
dibahas. Ini adalah pandangan, penilaian, atau penilaian subjektif yang berbeda
terhadap berbagai hal. Jika Ananda menginginkan pendapat seseorang, Ananda dapat
menanyakannya dengan meminta pendapatnya.
Ananda dapat meminta masukan menggunakan
frasa ini:
- “What do you think about…?”
- “What’s your opinion on…?”
- “How do you feel about…?”
- “Do you have any thoughts on…?”
ketika diminta memberikan pendapat, artinya kamu supaya memberikan pandangan
pribadi kamu tentang topik yang sedang dibahas. Untuk memulai memberikan
pendapat, kamu bisa menggunakan kalimat ini:
“In my opinion…”
“I think that…”
“From my perspective…”
“I believe that…”
Berikut simak penjelasan lebih lanjut pada tayanagan berikut ini!
pada pertemuan ke 2 ini ananda simak kembali materi dalam bentuk rangkuman, selanjutnya kerjakan LKPD yang terlampir dalam halaman ini pada buku kerja masing-masing dan diserahkan nanti pada saat pertemuan berikutnya di kelas!!
Berikut ini rangkuman materi Bab 5
An opinion is the way you feel or think
about something.
(Opini adalah cara untuk mengutarakan
perasaan atau pendapat tentang sesuatu)
Our opinion about something or someone
is based on our perspective.
(Pendapat kita tentang sesuatu atau
seseorang berdasarkan sudut pandang kita)
Whenever we give our opinion, it’s
important to give reasoning as well.
(Ketika kita memberikan sebuah pendapat,
penting untuk memberikan alasannya juga)
Expression of Opinion
Opinion can be expressed in two ways:
(Opini dapat dinyatakan dalam dua bentuk: )
Personal Point of View
General Point of View
Personal Point of View
These expressions are used to show our
personal view.
(Kata-kata ini digunakan untuk menunjukan
opini pribadi kita sendiri)
Example (Contoh) :
In my opinion …
I think …
Personaly, I think …
In my experience ….
I strongly believe that …
I reckon …
General Point of View
These expressions are used to show general
point of view.
(Kata-kata ini digunakan untuk menunjukan
opini secara umum / luas)
Most people
Almost everyone …
Some people say that …
Of course, many argue …
Generally ….
The majority …
Sentence Structure to Give Express Opinion
To make an opinion sentences, the structure
(Untuk membuat sebuah kalimat opini,
strukturnya adalah: )
Subject + verb + object
For example, look at this table below!
(Untuk contoh, perhatikan tabel dibawah
When we are doing an activity, we sometimes
describe how we do it.
(Ketika kita melakukan suatu kegiatan
terkadang kita menjelaskan bagaimana melakukannya)
We use a word to show the quality of how we
do the activity.
(Kita gunakan kata-kata yang menunjukan
kualitas dari bagaimana kita melakukannya)
The word is called an adverb of manners.
(Nah kata-kata ini disebut dengan adverb of
The simple way is by looking at the ending
“-ly” in many of these adverbs.
(Cara termudah adalah dengan melihat
akhirannya, pasti ada “-ly”)
Sentence examples:
Turtles walk slowly
They speak quitely
He rides the bike very carefully
But not all word ending with “-ly” is
adverb of manners!
(Namun tidak semua kata berakhiran “-ly”
adalah adverb of manners!)
These words are friendly, lonely, and
elderly which is adjectives.
(Kata-kata tersebut adalah friendly, lonely
dan elderly, karena itu merupakan adjectives).***
In my opinion, this lesson is easy to understand.
BalasHapusnama: Afifah Nurul Zakia
kelas: 8.4
Question: why should you be yourself?
HapusI think this lesson is easy to understand and easy to observe
BalasHapusNama:Rafka Fadly Akbar
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
HapusQuuestion:Do you know all of the products in the picture?
HapusAnswer:No, I don't know all the products in the pictures
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapus“What’s your opinion on beauty care…?”
"in my opinion,Beauty care is a place or place that provides all activities for self-care for both women and men and is intended for various groups and ages."
Nama : auni rasyida
kelas : 8.4
Name : Muhamad Raffa Altamiz
BalasHapusClass : 8-4
Question :
What do you think about "School"
Answer :
I think going to school is important, because it will give you a lot of knowledge that you can use every day
Name : Sovia Yandra Khoirunnisa
BalasHapusClass : 8.4
question :
What do you think about being beautiful?
my opinion :
Beauty is something that is very inherent in women. Beauty itself is defined as something that is beautiful and attractive.
Name:Davin Alethea Setiawan
"What do you think about English learners"
What I think about English lessons is that it is very fun and also very exciting when learning English, especially if you study with friends."
Name : Muhammad gustia ramadani
BalasHapusClass : 8.4
Question :
Do you use them every day....?
Answer :
No, I don't use these products every day No, I don't use these products every day
Nama : Virsha Naa'ilah Putri
BalasHapusKelas 8.4
Personaly, I think Opinion is the thought or opinion of a person or group.Opinion is a way of expressing feelings or opinions about something.Examples include hobbies, favorite colors, food, games and so on.and Facial care is a treatment to overcome problems with human facial skin. Body care is an important aspect in maintaining one's own health and well-being.
What is the correct skin care sequence?
Name: Aliyya Hafsa Syna
BalasHapusClass: 8.4
Why do we have to do beauty cares?
Personally, I think beauty care is important for both women and men. Why? because if we love ourselves then we have to take care of it.
Name:Keanu Razzaq Putra Bhirawa
"What do you think about using deodorant?"
"I think that using deodorant is important,so that your body doesn't smell bad
Name: Richy Sagara Ilmansyah
BalasHapusClass: 8.4
“What do you think about hair gel products"
"In my opinion, hair gel is useful for styling hair so that it doesn't become limp and is easy to style."
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BalasHapusMy opinion for this lesson is quite understandable for me
BalasHapusName : muhamad arman rabany
Questions :
"Why we have to be yourself"
Answer :
"Accepting yourself without trying to be like others can improve mental well-being"
Nama : Jafha Maulana K.
BalasHapusKelas : 8.4
Quention:What do you think about English
Answer. :What I think about English lessons is that it is very fun and also exciting when learning English, especially if you study with
Name:Eagen Muhammad Raynar
Question:why do we have to use lotion?
Answer:because lotion can keep the skin from drying out
name: al halin minnanur
BalasHapusclass: 8'4
question: "what do you think about body lotion"
opinion: in my opinion, body lotion for prevents dry skin, and moisturizes
name: asriana
question: I think learning today is fun and easy to understand even if you don't understand a little
opinion: Do you often use the product in this picture?
Name:Tomi Prada Rizqulloh
opinion:i think the lesson this time is easier to understand, and also not too difficult
question:what do you think about deodorant product?
Nama: keysha nirbita maulizha al ghissani
BalasHapusKelas: VIII - 4
what di you think about skin care products?
Skin care products are tools to care for our faces, beautify our faces
Name : Muhammad Raihan
BalasHapusClass : 8.4
What do you think about the material presented ?
Opinion :
in my opinion the material presented is very enjoyable and easy to understand and from this material we can give our opinions using English
Name: Evan Nayiva
BalasHapusClass: 8.3
“What do you think about hair gel products"
"In my opinion, hair gel is useful for styling hair so that it doesn't become limp and is easy to style."
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question:What do you think about education?
opinion:In my opinion, education is an obligation for a student so that the knowledge from learning can be understood
nama : zaskia pradita
BalasHapuskelas : 8.4
question : What do you think about deodorant?
opinion : I think that is very important to use, because it can reduce or eliminate body odor caused by bacteria that breed on the skin, especially in the armpit area.
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusNama : Caesar Danish safad abqori
question: what do you think about deodorant?
Opinion: i think that very important to use,because it can reduce or eliminate body odor catused by bacteria
Name:Fatih Ihsan Ilahi
Question:What do you think about deodorant?
Answer:I think that deodorant is a substance applied to the body to prevent or cover body odor caused by bacterial activity in sweat, for example in the armpits or on the feet.
Name:Gerald Bima A.
"What do you think about using parfum?"
"I think that using parfum is important,so that your body smells good
Name: Emilia Nuri Rahmawati
BalasHapusClass,: 8.1
Question: what do you think about new organic shampoo line from XYZ brand?
Answer: in my opinion the new organic shampoo line from XYZ brand is a great option for those looking to use more natural.
name: wafa fahria
BalasHapusclass: 8.1
question: What do you think about using body care?
answer: In my opinion, body care helps to maintain the body to keep it healthy and hydrated, because there are some skin that looks dry and unhealthy